The Value of Ethics
The Code of Ethics aims to be the identity card of Cherry Bank’s ethics.
Code of Ethics expresses in systematic terms and sets out in a single document, the fundamental ethical principles our Company recognizes, accepts and shares to guide the business conduct of those who work within the Bank or who operate on behalf of the Bank as partners/suppliers, adopting principles of legitimacy, transparency and verifiability.
Finally, it represents the tool for implementing a suitable disciplinary system and sanctioning non-compliance with the measures indicated on the organizational and management model adopted pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/2001. Underlying this document we place a long-term commitment to give ethical foundation to the Intermediary’s strategy and economic development goals.
We make this commitment to all stakeholders, who will appreciate the efforts aimed at making the Bank increasingly responsible and trustworthy, values that are fundamental from the standpoint of corporate reputation.
The values that distinguish the Bank are set forth in our Code of Ethics. The Code of Ethics is an integral part of the Model of Organization, Management and Control provided for by Legislative Decree 231/2001, which represents the set of principles, rules, provisions and organizational schemes that constitute a system of control and monitoring of sensitive activities, so as to prevent the commission of the crimes provided for in the aforementioned Legislative Decree (the “Model 231”).
Through the adoption of Model 231, we contribute to the awareness of employees and collaborators, encouraging behaviors consistent with the Bank’s values.
In line with our Code of Ethics on the following page you can see all the information about our whistleblowing regulation. (available only in Italian version).