The Audit and Risk Committee is an endoconsultative body assigned support functions of a preliminary, propositional and advisory nature to the Board of Directors in matters of risk and the system of internal controls.
The Audit and Risk Committee, in accordance with the provisions of the relevant exogenous regulations, is a collegial body composed of three to five members chosen from among the non-executive members of the Board of Directors, the majority of whom are independent. The Chairman is chosen by the Board of Directors from among the members of the Committee and must be chosen from among independent directors with adequate knowledge and experience in accounting and finance or risk management.
The Chairman of the Board of Directors and the Chairman of the Board of Statutory Auditors, or another member designated by him, participate in the work of the Control, Risk and Sustainability Committee. The Chairman of the Audit, Risk and Sustainability Committee has the power to invite the Managing Director and any other individuals who are not members to the meetings depending on the topics to be discussed from time to time. The Audit, Risk and Sustainability Committee may use and/or request the presence of independent consultants and any corporate officer or employee of the Bank.
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The Board of Directors of Cherry Bank established the Audit and Risk Committee.
Composed of 3 members, all of whom are independent, the majority of whom are of the least represented gender, the Audit and Risk Committee is currently composed as follows:

Marina Vienna

Giacomo Bugna

Elisa Cavezzali
Managerial, non-endoconsultative committees are also established with investigative, advisory and propositional functions: Credit Committee, NPL Committee, ALM and Finance Committee, Products Committee, Special Situations Committee, Investment Committee and Sustainability Committee.